Wednesday, 23 January 2013

A Stable Life for Me

The big day came! I was to have my own  tack room, hay barn, pasture and stable - and living with lots of new horses!

Debbie had put a deposit on a nice blue checked stable rug for me.

Sam had been busy preparing my stable.

A nice bank of dust-free shavings for me to sleep on, and a hay rack full of hay.

A bucket for my water, and an old tyre to stop me kicking it over!

A hay-net full of hay.

My tack-room was nicely stocked with things I would be needing for my first few days.

Including a box full of tasty treats - carrots and apples -  for me and my  new friends!

Once everything was ready, Sam had a rest in my tackroom, and a quick bite to eat before bringing me into my new home for the evening.

This was what I saw as Sam led me into the barn. 

How lovely, I would have friends to keep me company at night too!

I could see my tack-room from my stable door.

That evening I met my new best friend, Dylan.


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